How To Properly Ship Sports Cards:
Have you recently got back into sports card collecting or collecting for the first time? You have probably realized that a lot of the transacting now is done online whether through eBay or social media sites. Making a sale is great! But it’s just half the battle in completing the transaction process. Being able to ship sports cards efficiently and SAFELY is paramount to continued success and repeat customers. This article will outline a few specific ways to make your shipping experience work seamlessly.
The first way to ship outlined is for those using Plain White Envelopes (PWE) to ship: this method is readily used by ebay sellers for cards under $20. This method is also a little riskier than other methods used to ship sports cards. These envelopes are run through different machines than thicker bubble envelopes. The reason people use PWE is because of the shipping cost savings. Just know that if something goes wrong during the shipping process you the seller are responsible.
*Important Note: This method only works with TWO cards in topladers maximum per order or the package will be too thick and returned to sender.
–Card Sleeves (Penny Sleeves) (Search On Amazon) -every card sold should be inside a card sleeve

–Toploaders (or Card Savers/Mags) (Search On Amazon) – every card should be in a top loader, card saver, or one touch mag

–One Touch Team Bags: (Search On Amazon) – If you are only shipping a single card surronding the card with cardboard can be enough. If shipping mulitple cards use one of these.

–Cardboard Sleeves: – You can buy special ones for cards or just cut up cardboard that you already have.

- Vinyl Tape or Blue Painters Tape (Search On Amazon)– to secure cardboard sleeve and in the toploader. Don’t use scotch tape on a toploader. It is a big pet peeve of the hobby as it is very difficult to get off.

–Plain 6x 9 White Envelope

–Shipping Tape: to secure the envelope and/or tape on shipping label

–Thermal or Standard Printer: (Search On Amazon) Thermal printers are considered reliable and efficient way of printing shipping labels. You can use regular paper and printer and tape the shipping label to the envelope as well. If you plan on shipping a lot of cards a thermal printer will save you time but is not neccesary.
- Sold Card gets put in penny sleeve
- Card then gets put in toploader
- Card is put into one-touch team bag and sealed
- Team Bag is put into cardboard sleeve
- Cardboard sleeve is secured around open 3 sides with Vinyl Electric Tape

- Cardboard sleeve is put into plain white envelope securely at bottom horizontally
- Package is sealed
- Shipping Tape is used to secure back of package
- Shipping label is put on front of package (or stamp and written address)
- Package is ready to be shipped
(front w/blank thermal shipping label)

(back with tape securing top and bottom)

The second way to ship outlined is for those using packages/bubble mailers (any sale above 20$ on ebay or any slab sold) –there are many different ways to ship using packages…this will outline what I find to be the safest and cheapest way to ship a package
–Card Sleeves (Penny Sleeves) (Search On Amazon) – every card sold should be inside a card sleeve


–Toploaders (or Card Savers/Mags) (Search On Amazon)– every card should be in a top loader, card saver, or one touch mag

–One Touch Team Bags: (Search On Amazon) – If you are only shipping a single card surronding the card with cardboard can be enough. If shipping mulitple cards use one of these.

–Self-Seal Bubble Bags – to secure the team bag in before putting between cardboard (only for cards)

–4 x 8 Bubble Mailers (Search On Amazon) – to secure the slab before putting between cardboard (only for slabs not cards)

–5 x 7 Corrugated Cardboard Sheets – to secure bubble mailer or bag before putting into 6 x 8 mailer

-6 x 10 Bubble Mailer – Package

–Shipping Tape – to secure backside of package and secure the cardboard sheets

–Thermal or Standard Printer: to have a reliable and efficient way of printing shipping labels (shipping labels/printer paper needed with each item) *Stamps can be used as well*
Process: (steps 2 and 3 only for cards)
- Sold Card or slab is put into card or graded slab sleeve
- Card is put into toploader
- Card is put into one touch resealable bag
- Card is put into self-seal bubble bag/or Slab is put into 4 x 8 Bubble Mailer


5.Bubble Bag or Mailer is then put between two cardboard sheets and securely taped on each side
*Tape covering each side to secure package in between two pieces of cardboard

6. Cardboard Sheets are then put into 6 x 10 Bubble Mailer
7. Shipping Tape secures the backside of the package

8. Shipping Label is put onto front of package
(Finished package with blank thermal label)

By following these specific steps…you will ensure yourself a smooth shipping process and your customers will greatly appreciate the attention to detail